Blackbird Control (Turdus merula)

The blackbird was introduced from Europe in 1863. Currently found in south east Australia from the Eyre Peninsular in the west through to the Pacific coast of NSW. It ranges north to central NSW. It is also common throughout Tasmania. It is a fine singer. It’s diet includes almost anything from insects, spiders, molluscs, worms to seed, fruits and berries. It’s flight is fast and has a curious flickering of the wings. When it lands it moves it’s tail up and down. It breeds from September to January and lays 3 to 5 eggs, usually 4. It’s usually seen foraging on the ground, common in parks and gardens in the cities.
The blackbird, particularly in Tasmania, has become a pest in vineyards and orchards. They love grapes and cherries. Because of their ground hugging habits, they can be harder than many other species to repel. Often it is necessary to have two sonic fences protecting the crop’s boundaries – one up at the top of the canopy and another down low just above ground level to prevent the birds hopping along the ground and getting in under the sound up overhead.
Often when the local conditions and environment suits blackbirds there is also a silver-eye problem. Fortunately an installation to repel silver-eyes is usually adequate for blackbirds, although it may have to be beefed up to provide extra sound intensity, particularly near the ground.


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