The common galah is found virtually throughout all of Australia. They congregate in flocks from 30 to 1,000 individuals and separate into pairs at breeding season, which is around August to November. They lay 2 to 6 eggs in a hole or hollow in a tree. About only 10% of fledglings survive to reach breeding age (3 or 4 years old)- most die in the first summer – however, once mature they are a long-lived bird. Galahs are seed eaters and gather most of their food from the ground.
Although at times a pest for grain growers (especially oilseeds like sunflower), they are very rarely a pest to horticulturists.
Provided the birds are prevented from establishing a feeding area, they will move on to easier pickings.
Daniel White
I have large flocks of pink and greys gathering and picking at some newmly planted trees and a young jacaranda tree gets all the leaves wares off every year.they also fouls up the water trough for our sheep.
I am trying tying cds hanging on fishing line.
Do you have any device to control or reduce these gatherings of birds.
Hi Daniel
We have several electronic devices you can use against Galahs and also an Eagle Kite. Always best to give us a call to discuss your situation
Regards Bird Gard