Do you need to silently repel Crows, Indian Mynas, Pigeons or Doves, from around your Home, in Cafes, Restaurants or a Commercial Building?
The amazing Bird Repellent Eyes have proven to be successful at repelling these birds in these situations.
The Bird Repellent Eyes (BRS) look like a piece of yellow and black plastic with owl eyes. When exposed to sunlight they emit an ultra-violet glow that scares the birds.
Ultra-violet is a light spectrum that we humans cannot see, however some birds do. Crows, Indian Mynas, Doves and Pigeons are the most sensitive to it. The birds see an eerie ‘glow in the dark’ effect during daylight which scares them. The idea is to suspend the BRS in the area you want to protect so the birds can clearly see it. The Bird Repellent Eyes work best when exposed to direct sunlight, and if possible some movement in the wind. The BRS are like a sticker, they have an adhesive back so they can be easily fixed onto another surface in the area needing protection. You can use a flat piece of wood or hard plastic to suspend them (see the additional product photos).
Of all the birds it is Crows that the BRS works best. Results say they work well in 97 out of 100 occasions in which they have been used. With Indian Mynas they work well in 7 out of every 10 occasions, meaning if we used them for 10 identical houses, they would work well for 7 of those houses and not for 3. And if its sunny Pigeons and Doves flee, but if it is an overcast day they return.
The Bird Repellent Eyes have a life span of 6 to 12 months.
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