The Electronic Bird Repeller Scarecrow sound was introduced in 1996. It’s an intrusive high pitched siren type sound which ranges through a wide range of frequencies, right up to almost transonic.
The Electronic Scarecrow is singularly the most successful and versatile bird repelling sound in the industry.
It repels more Bird Species than any other single sound. All our combination units (Crop Gard, Pro Amp and X-20 Bird Detterent) which have several sounds in the one machine, include the ESC within the repertoire. It is simply too good to be left out.
The basic Electronic Bird Repeller Scarecrow unit can be used to run a Sonic Fence (a series of speakers 30m apart) made up of as many as 8 speakers thus forming a wall of sound 210m long. It can also be used as a part of a Multi-Blaster, which is a 4-way (360 degrees) speaker run by 2 sound generators. This enables the unit to output 2 different sounds in a 360-degree circle. In either form (either Sonic Fence or Multi-Blaster), an 85amp fully charged battery will power the system for 2 to 3 weeks non-stop. Like all Bird Gard sound generators, the Electronic Scarecrow is fully automatic having a light sensor which can be set (with a flick of a switch) to DAY, NIGHT, or 24 HOUR operation. No need to physically go and turn it on in the morning and off at night – it’s all automatic.
3 reviews for Electronic Bird Repeller Scarecrow