Super Pro USB Bird Scarer
Super Pro USB Bird Scarer is a versatile weatherproof device. The new Intelligent Operating System comes with a USB unlike the traditional replaceable sound chip.
Ideally suited for Vineyards, Orchards, Airports, Landfills, Golf Courses, Commercial, mining and Industrial buildings, and just about anywhere that birds are a problem.
The Super Pro USB Bird Scarer can be custom fitted with a variety of different sounds to suit your particular bird problem.
The sounds are that of naturally occurring distress and predator calls which can repel multiple pest bird species at the same time.
The most common birds repelled by the Super Pro USB Bird Scarer include Crows, Ravens, Starlings, Swallows, Ducks, Seagulls, Lorikeets, Leather heads, Silver Eyes, hawks, wild turkey, Plovers, Ibis and multiple other species.
The Super Pro USB Bird Scarer has a random switch which continually changes the order in which the sound patterns are played to prevent birds becoming accustomed to the sounds of the Super Pro USB Bird Scarer.
In many situations such as commercial and industrial buildings the Super Pro USB Bird Scarer can be left static and used as needed.
In vineyards and orchards, it may be best to regularly move the device around from place to place never being left too long in any one place.
Super Pro Bird Scarer has also been very effective when placed in bush bordering a vineyard or orchard. It clears out the birds from the area where they normally launch their attack on the crop(s).
The device has a light sensor that can be programmed to automatically operate the device from dawn to dusk, or 24 hours.
Optional outdoor 12v timers are available for greater control over operating times or if used in buildings a standard 240 timer can be used.
The Super Pro USB Bird Scarer is normally supplied with one or two 4-way 360o speakers.
They are also very effective in multiple locations including Marinas when used as a sonic fence (a series of directional speakers 30m apart) made up of as many as 8 speakers forming a wall of sound up to 200m long.
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