28 Parrot or Port Lincoln Parrot Control (Barnardius zonarius)

The Port Lincoln Parrot (usually called “28” in south western W.A) is found mainly in W.A, although does range into S.A and south west N.T. Breeds from August to February but in the drier inland areas, will breed whenever the season permits. When conditions allow, may raise 2 broods of anywhere between 2 and 7 chicks.
28’s are noisy and inquisitive. When disturbed may only fly a very short distance and stop to investigate the cause. Their alarm call will quickly attract others.
They feed on a variety of plant foods – blossoms, seeds, grasses – feeding both on the ground and in the trees.When the maree trees (red gums) fail to flower, hungry 28’s can be a major vineyard and orchard pest.


10 thoughts on “28 Parrot or Port Lincoln Parrot Control (Barnardius zonarius)

    • Hi Shirley

      To repel 28s or port lincoln parrots we use the quiet Eagle Kite or electronic devices such as the Bird Scarer that emit loud sounds

      Always best to give us a call before buying any product.

      Regards Bird Gard

  • Yes they’re in Busselton W.A.
    The reason they are nicknamed 28s is because of their call. Unlike the earlier response it isn’t calling 28… 28… etc..
    Sounds like 27..27..27.. plus 1….. Always in threes as well. Very distinctive and a little funny too.
    Hope that helped.

    • Hello Janet,
      Thank you for your comments. There are indeed various ‘translations’ for this bird’s call. In our office, even we can’t decide between us which it sounds like most, 27, 28, vingt-huit … Nevertheless, despite being a pest in some areas, it is a beautiful bird and has a lovely (if loud) bird song.

  • I have lived in perths northern suburbs all my life and I would always here and see these birds especially when I was at school back in the late 80s early 90s. Today I honestly cant remember the last time I have seen or heard a 28. Do they still exist in perth? Or even the southwest like busselton, I lived there for a year and dont remember seeing one there either.

    • Hi
      The 28s are still there, but hard to say why you haven’t seen them.
      In a suburban area they do face some challanges, such as the removal of trees with good nesting opportunities and competition with the Rainbow Lorikeet.
      You would likely know the Rainbows are feral in WA, and by nature the Rainbows are more likely to muscle out the native 28s.
      Maybe that’s why ?
      Regards Bird Gard

  • I have a question regarding the 28 Parrot. We live in Roleystone WA and have several Marri & Jarrah trees, this year has been a bumper season for the Marri blossom.
    My question is, would anyone know if 28 parrots feed on the seeds of the Marri at night?
    We have seed pods falling onto the roof day and night and when inspected they have been chewed at the base of the stem, enabling the birds to get to the seeds. We have seen the 28 in the tree dropping pods in the day but have not been able to see if it is them at night.
    Your response would be appreciated
    Di Pollock

    • Hello Di,
      Parrots’ favourite feeding time is early in the morning and later in the day. Night is all about having a safe place to get a good nights sleep and they generally don’t feed at night.
      If they were living in those trees at night, the 28s maybe responsible, but if not there will likely be something else having a go at the seeds or it’s a natural occurrence.
      Kind regards
      Bird Gard Australia

    • Hi Philippe
      The name 28 comes from the sound of the bird call that the parrot makes. It sounds like they are saying “Twenty-eight, Twenty-eight”. Some references quote the older French likeness, of “Vingt-huit, Vingt-huit”.
      Kind regards
      Bird Gard Australia


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