Pest Control Product FAQ’s

Refunds – will I get back 100% money Back Guarantee?

Please note that as a small business, we have strict guidelines regarding the return of used electronics. We offer a 100% money-back guarantee within 30 days, provided the device is returned in its original, undamaged condition (i.e., no scratches, breaks, or signs of damage).

However, we are unable to offer refunds on electronic components such as extension cables, adaptors, or freight costs, as once these items are used, they cannot be resold. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these policies.

Does the Super Pro X work on different bird species in Vineyards, orchards and farms?

Yes, the new version of the Super Pro USB Bird Scarer has enhanced features and the sounds can be customised to target different species all at the same time. The sound loudness is also now much higher thereby enhancing the coverage and the randomisation function to rotate speaker play is also very effective and confuses not only the birds but humans as well.

Do you have different chips for different birds or different chips for variety to chase the birds

Hi Derek

On the website, you will see 6 versions of the Bird Scarer, such as the Crow Repeller, Starling Repeller etc. All these devices have different sound chips to specifically target the said species. All up there are 70+ sound chips that can be pre-installed inside the bird scarer. Before any order just let us know what birds you want to repel and we can advise if we have a suitable sound chip.

Bird Gard

Our problem is with possums along the fence and eating our screening trees that line the fence. Therefore where is the best position to set up the unit. Can it go on the fence?

Hi Amanda

Yes, you certainly can install the device on top of a fence. Sometimes it is the only way to stop possums from coming down the fenceline.

Bird Gard

I have possums in wall cavity, don’t know where/how they came thru. Can I set up the unit in the house or it has to be outside? Which unit would you recommend?

Hello Jenny

If you have possums in a wall cavity, you will need to put the device inside the roof space, which is where they are most likely using to get into your house. Unless you have a split level house or something like that where possums may have access under your house, any device would have to go into your roof space. It is the Roof Off device that we use inside roof cavities, Have a look at the Roof-off Possum Removal

Bird Gard

Would placing one at the entrance of a shed work in getting rid of and deterring snakes going into the shed and living there ?

Hi Alyson

How well that would work is hard to say. Do the snakes have any other way of getting in and out of your shed, other than the entrance?
If yes, then 1 snake repeller by the entrance could be only partially effective

If the entrance is the only way in and out, having a device there is the logical spot, but how big is the shed?
A big shed might need more than one device, and installing a device(s) inside the shed might be needed as well. Probably best to get our battery-powered snake deterrents for use inside a shed.

Bird Gard

I might have rats or possums living in the roof above my bedroom but I am not sure which or it may be both. Does this device work for both rats and possums? If we are successful in removing them, do you recommend to get the professional come over to check entry point so that we can seal it off? Or we should just leave the device inside the roof?

Hi Jocelyn

The Roof Off device is more often used against possum but can also be used against rats. The device has different settings for different critters, and for example, there is a setting for possums and a different setting for rats. This means it would repel one species at a time. But there is also another setting that could be described as a mixture of both settings so as to target both possums and rats.

Another device called the CEX has one setting that repels both possums and rats. The CEX is the prefered device to repel both possums and rats at the same time but it does make a low-level sound you can hear. It is best to call us to discuss your circumstances and listen to this device over the phone before purchasing.

Bird Gard

Do Snake Repellers have any affect on dogs or chooks? We have two of each.

Hello Sally

The snake repellers are a harmless product. They repel snakes by sending a vibration through the ground. We don’t see this as a bother for chooks and have had no negative reports from existing customers about their chooks.

Bird Gard

I have possums in my roof – can I place the anti possum unit in the roof void?

Hello Michael

Burning down a house is my worst nightmare. We have been using 12v devices like the CEX since 1992 and haven’t burnt down a house yet. The CEX has been used inside roof spaces to repel possums and rats for many years. The CEX has the longest range against possums and rats but it also emits a low-level audible sound you can hear. In some roof spaces, this won’t be a problem for people, but in others, it could be. Always best to give us a call prior to buying anything online as we might recommend the Roof Off device instead of the CEX. The Roof Off is much quieter compared to the CEX.

Bird Gard

We have a small, walled, inner-city garden. As far as I can see, the possums are travelling along the top of our pergola, and along the top walls of the garden (about the same height). But I’m also concerned about the smaller plants actually in the garden. Where should I position the device? At the top of the walls, or closer to the ground?

Hi Naomi
For 90% of possum deterrent customers pointing the device at what you want to protect is what works best, so have the device down low. But, for 10% of customers pointing the device at where the possums come from is what works best, so you would have the device up high and in a manner that ensures they exposed to the direct line of sight with the device for as long as possible. At my own home, I had a problem similar to yours, and I put the possum deterrent down low, but it didn’t work. But like yourself, I had a high wall where the possums always came from, and in my situation, it was the only way they could come in. I installed the device up high to cover that spot and it worked straight away, and no more possums.

Hope that helps.

Bird Gard

Do you have any questions?

Ask us anything about our pest control products and how to better pests from you home, garden, warehouse, office block, etc. we have over 21 years experience in humanely lettering Australian pests.
