Pest Control Product FAQ’s

I live in a high-rise and experience problems with crows and magpies landing on our balcony balustrades which are powder coated white. Would you’re product be suitable for this scenario and once applied what colour does it appear, and how is it removed if needed. Any other relevant info particular to my situation would be useful. Would there be any issues with people putting their hands on the balustrades after its been applied.
Hi Rob Thanks for your enquiry 1 ) I wouldn’t put the Bird Gel anywhere where people might have inadvertent contact with it. It doesn’t hurt but its sticky, and if you get it on your hands you’ll have to wash them twice to remove it. So not a good substance to get on good clothes especially 2 ) Once applied to any surface all bird gel products will go the colour of the local dust. 3 ) The Bird Gel seems impervious to heavy torrential rain, and unlike other birds that need a solvent to remove you can use water and soap/detergent to remove. 4 ) fresh Bird Gel is easy enough to remove, but if it’s been there for a while most of it will decay away but it can leave a black residue. The residue can be removed with water and soap/detergent but can take some elbow grease as well and the extra rubbing required to get it off can itself mark some painted surfaces. Metal surfaces appear to be the least affected by this. You can use that cloth-lined waterproof duct tape to put on the area to be protected and then put the gel on that to ease removal of the gel from pitted or uneven surfaces. As a silent alternative to the Bird Gel to repel Magpies and Crows there is only the Bird Repellent Eyes to repel Crows.
Hi, does the device cover a radius area or does it only deter possums directly in front of it?

Hello Bao

Thank you for your question. Possums can hear the Possum Deterrent 20 metres away, but it starts to be effective at 14 metres. Not everyone will get that maximum range, results can vary from place to place and with individual possums. The ultrasonics does span out 170 degree’s in front of the device, but the max strength of any ultrasonic device is directly in front, the range and effect on the sides are less. The ultrasonics also goes up and down at an angle, for every 2 metres distance in front of the device the ultrasonics goes up and down 1 metre, so at 4 metres in front of the device, the ultrasonics will go up and down 2 metres.

Regards Darren

what is the difference between SWR1, SP1 and bgmp? They look identical. Is there one which can be used for seagulls, swallows and starlings?

Hello Megan

Yes, those devices are identical except for the sound chip. For example, the bgmp device is the Seagull and Duck scarer. It contains a sound chip with 8 bird calls specifically chosen to repel Seagulls Ducks and other water birds. The bird calls emitted would also be sufficient to repel swallows and starlings.

I note that there is a range of settings for deterring possums. Can you tell me what the optimal point is?

Hi Siuling

See the ultrasonic dial, that’s the one with the yellow circle on it. Around that dial, you’ll see embedded in the plastic some circular arcs with animal names. On one side the arcs end in a staggered manner and on the other side thay all meet in a long straight line. Point the dial directly at that long straight line. If you’re using the device outdoors use the night mode and constant mode. If your using the device inside a roof space put the device on 24 hours and on constant mode. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask

Regards Darren

I want to prevent possums eating everything in the garden but I would prefer not to deter useful animals such as Magpies etc. will this be possible?

Hi Liz

Ide answer Yes to your question. Possums are generally a problem in the garden at night time only, whereas Magpies etc are normally around during the day time. The possum Deterrent has a light sensor that automatically turns the device on at dusk and off again at dawn so isnt on during the day. Ultrasonics also appear to have little or no effect on Magpies.

Regards Darren

Hi, I have read your testimonials and the device sounds great, however we have a wonderful plum tree out the front with delicious plums. The ringtails love both the leaves and the fruit. Netting the trees worked well for 2 years but last year the possums ate through the netting regularly so do you think bird gard will work with very persistent possums in fruit trees. At least now the tree they used to get into the plums has been removed. Thanks Roxanne

Hi Roxanne

Sorry for the delay the possums have been keeping us very busy this year. The possum deterrent has been used in all sorts of garden situations and has a high success rate. I can’t say the device has been 100% effective in 100% of the occasions that it has been used, but there are plenty of happy customers that now get to eat their fruit when previously the possums would get it all. The device comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

Regards Darren.

Can I place it on a fence facing the run of the fence which obviously is open to the weather? With a large lillypilly hedge along my fence this is what I need to protect and not a small plant or shrub

Hi Helen

For most people just pointing the Possum Deterrent at what you want to protect achieves the desired result. But with a large Lillypilly hedge especially if its along fence, having the device on top of the fence and pointing down the fence at where the possums are coming from can be the best way to stop them. It is OK to use the Possum Deterrent out in the weather but dont point it straight up in the air as there is a hole for the ultrasonics to come out. One thing to consider is how far away your nearest power point is, and how long would the power cord need to be to get the device install in the right spot. The device comes standard with a 240 adapter with a 2 metre power cord and that length can be extended to 12 or 22 metres long by using one of our 10 or 20 metre extension cords. These power cords are 9v so you cant electrocute yourself and they are thin like speaker cable so not intrusive. It is best to give the adapter some protection from direct rain.

If you have any more questions dont hesitate to ask

Regards Darren

When running continuously is the Possum Deterrent effective in ridding possums from ceiling cavities permanently?

Hi John,

Yes you can use the Possum Deterrent to repel possums from roof cavities. You would use the “constant” mode which randomly and intermittently emits ultrasonics continuously and the 24 hour mode instead of a day or night modes. A few other tips when using the PD in roof spaces 1 ) Max range is 10 metres in front of the device and less on the sides of the 170-degree coverage 2 ) Think of ultrasonics as like a beam of light, if there are obstacles in the way the ultrasonics will be blocked which can create an undefended shadow area where possums can hide. 3 ) with a L shaped roof space or any other shape other than a standard rectangle/ square you will need 2 devices to cover the whole area. Just like light, ultrasonics doesn’t go around corners, the effect of the ultrasonics is a line of sight. 4 ) Many customers try using just one device at first even though they may need 2 devices. As a guide in such situations use the device to target where you think the possums are getting in, or where you know they sleep, or where you hear them the most.

Darren Stutchbury

How proven is this with Ducks please? I have too many making use of my pool and I want to get rid of them though note no comments above!!

Hi Michael

We spent 5 years experimenting on how to repel Ducks from pools. To cut a long story short, it is always Wood Ducks that are the problem. The quiet ultrasonic devices rarely work well. The electronic devices that emit loud bird distress and predator calls like the Seagull and Duck Scarer  work well in other types of Wood duck problems, but in back yard pools they rarely cut it on their own. It is the combination of the loud electronic devices used in combination with the Eagle Kite that has given good results. See attached one very grateful customers comments, Pam volunteered to do a testimonial. From a price perspective, some people start off with just the Eagle Kites. When used on their own the Eagle Kites have a 70% chance of working well, but when used in conjunction with the sound devices its more like 95% to 99% The Eagle Kite is an actual Kite, that is a very life-like replica of an Eagle with a 1.5 metre wingspan. The Eagle flies and flaps its wings like a real bird while it flies 360 degrees around its own telescopic pole in the breeze. The pole is just like a 6.3 metre long fishing rod that can be cable tied to a post or slid into one of its mounting brackets. We have seen these Kites survive 80 kph winds, but they are not indestructible and are rated for 40 kph winds, so it is best to take them down prior to storms or high winds to avoid possible damage, a quick and easy task for one person. Wind damage not covered by warranty. Of all the Eagle type products we have tested this one outperforms them all. Eagle Kite retails at $ 468.00 incl GST and freight. Optional ground stake is $ 66.00, replacement Kite only is $ 269.50 incl There are several electronic device’s such as the 1 to 2 speaker Seagull and Duck Scarer, the 4 speaker Pro Plus X ( $ 1,389.00 ) and the 6 to 8 speaker Super Pro ( $ 1, 850.00 ), and which one will be best for you is dictated by the size of your pool.   All the equipment is easy to install and plugs into 240 via an adapter. Should you proceed we can discuss the finer points of installation and operation A new product is the Duck Light. We are hoping it will be a silent alternative to the loud electronic devices but it isn’t there yet. It has been used in 3 different Wood Duck in pool problems and been deemed successful by the customer in two of those occasions. The Duck Light is very easy to install but it only repels Ducks at night. A light sensor turns the device on at dusk and it then emits an in-offensive intermittent light until dawn. There are two versions, a land light that just pushes into the ground and a water version that floats in the pool. Both have a built-in solar panel so self-powered and low to no maintenance. At this point in time, we call them an “ additional supplement “ to the electronic devices and Eagle Kite, and with all 3 different deterrents going you have the best possible defence against Ducks. Land version retails at $ 695.00 incl Demo Water version retails at $ 899.00 incl   All goods are currently in stock and upon payment are immediately despatched. If you have any questions or wish to order just give us a call or return this email.

Can I use this for underneath my verandah area and when is the best time to play it?

Yes, you can but do understand the swallow repeller does make audible bird sounds that you can hear such as swallow distress calls, so neighbours may need to be considered.

If the swallows are present all day long play the device as often as you can during the day, or if the swallows come in late in the afternoon ensure the device is on before that and played up to 8pm.

Do you have any questions?

Ask us anything about our pest control products and how to better pests from you home, garden, warehouse, office block, etc. we have over 21 years experience in humanely lettering Australian pests.
